Results for 'Dr Beate Herrmann'

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  1.  22
    Wie viel Markt verträgt das Gesundheitswesen?Dr Beate Herrmann & Dr des Fabian Kliesch - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (4):259-261.
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  2. Der menschliche Körper: Sache oder Person?Beate Herrmann - 2003 - Studia Philosophica 62:61-73.
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    Wie viel Markt verträgt das Gesundheitswesen?: Chancen, Grenzen und Risiken der Ökonomisierung von klinischer Tätigkeit.Beate Herrmann & Fabian Kliesch - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (4):259-261.
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    Ideals of beauty and the medical manipulation of the body between free choice and coercion.Beate Herrmann - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):71-80.
    ZusammenfassungImmer mehr Menschen unterziehen sich chirurgischen Eingriffen, um ihr äußeres Erscheinungsbild zu verändern. Angesichts der omnipräsenten Konfrontation mit medial vermittelten Schönheitsstandards stellt sich die Frage des selbstbestimmten Umgangs mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Techniken der kosmetischen Chirurgie. Dieser Aufsatz analysiert die Frage, ob die Inanspruchnahme schönheitschirurgischer Maßnahmen als Ausdruck einer autonomen Entscheidung von Individuen betrachtet werden kann, oder ob sich entsprechende Körpereingriffe vielmehr dem Diktat von moralisch fragwürdigen Normen äußerer Erscheinungen verdanken und damit Ausdruck des zunehmenden Konformitätsdrucks und der Unterwerfung (...)
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    Empfehlungen für die Dokumentation von Ethik-Fallberatungen.Uwe Fahr, Beate Herrmann, Arnd T. May, Antje Reinhardt-Gilmour & Eva C. Winkler - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (2):155-159.
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    Empfehlungen zur Erstellung von Ethik-Leitlinien in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.Gerald Neitzke, Annette Riedel, Lilo Brombacher, Wolfgang Heinemann & Beate Herrmann - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (3):241-248.
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  7. (1 other version)Dr. M. Sztern.Christian Herrmann - 1928 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 33:335.
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    Mathematische Naturphilosophie in der Grundlagendiskussion – Eine Studie über das Verhältnis von Jakob Friedrich Fries’ kritischer Philosophie zu Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik.Kay Herrmann - 2000 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Jakob Friedrich Fries is one of the most important representatives of the Critical Philosophy, someone who built immediately on the original Kantian philosophy. -/- Fries was born in 1773 in Barby (on the Elbe). In 1805 he was extraordinary professor for philosophy in Jena and in the same year was ordinary professor for philosophy in Heidelberg. Returning to Jena in 1816, one year later he was compulsorily retired because of his participation at the nationalistic and republican Wartburg Festival. In 1924 (...)
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    Diskursverantwortung in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten: Bad Kissinger Symposion des Hans Jonas-Zentrums.Bernadette Herrmann, Harald Asel & Dietrich Böhler (eds.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    „On 23rd February 2022, when the editors had worked out topical issues of dispute relating to politics, ethics, technology and religion for a Hans Jonas Centre conference on responsibility for the future and discourse ethics, it was suddenly foreseeable that Russia would invade the core area of Ukraine the next night. We immediately informed our Ukrainian colleagues that we would allow them asylum, if desired, and invite them to the conference in Bad Kissingen as keynote speakers. In no time at (...)
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    Brief 6: Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker an Grete Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 455-456.
    Sehr verehrtes Frl. Dr. Hermann, ich muss Sie vielmals um Entschuldigung bitten wegen der Verspätung dieser Antwort. Bohr hat in den letzten Wochen meine Zeit ziemlich mit Beschlag belegt, und auch heute werde ich kaum zu der Ausführlichkeit der Antwort kommen, die mir selber Spass machen würde. Da ich in erkenntnistheoretischen Dingen noch so ausgesprochen im Stadium des Lernens begriffen bin, kostet es mich sehr viel Zeit, eine halbwegs klare Formulierung auf das Papier zu bringen, und dass ich überhaupt zu (...)
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    Brief 36: Wilhelm Ackermann an Grete Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 553-554.
    Sehr geehrtes Frl. Dr. Hermann! Ich möchte Ihnen danken für die Uebersendung Ihrer letzten Arbeit über „Die Bedeutung der modernen Physik für die Theorie der Erkenntnis.“ Dass ich auf Ihre frühere Arbeit über die Quantenmechanik nicht reagiert habe, geschah, offen gesagt, deswegen, weil ich mit der Arbeit zunächst nichts anzufangen wusste. Das ist anders geworden, nachdem ich die letzte Arbeit gelesen habe. Ich finde, dass sie den Charakter der neuen Naturbeschreibung sehr klar herausgestellt haben.
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    Brief 19: Max von Laue an Grete Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 495-496.
    Eine Seereise von 10 Tagen von Bremen nach New York hat mir nun endlich die erwünschte Gelegenheit gegeben, mich mit Ihrer Broschüre „Die naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Quantentheorie“ zu beschäftigen. Es läge nahe, mit der Antwort das Erscheinen Ihrer Veröffentlichung in den „Naturwissenschaften“ abzuwarten, von der mir Dr. Berliner, der hier an Bord ist, erzählt. Aber wer weiss, ob ich drüben in U.S.A. sobald zum Schreiben komme.
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    Brief 30: Probst an Grete Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 529-529.
    Heute früh besuchte uns hier Fräulein Trude Czepka aus Brünn. Sie kam im Auftrage von Herrn Professor Dr. Adolf Plachý und wollte Ihnen eine Bestellung ausrichten.
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    Menschengesichte: Max Picards Literarische Physiognomik.Karsten Lichau - 2014 - Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
    In der Reihe Deutsche Literatur erscheinen Studien und Quellen der germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Es handelt sich um philologisch grundlegende Arbeiten, die das Fach in seiner ganzen methodischen und thematischen Breite abdecken und literaturgeschichtliche Analysen mit theoretischer Reflexion auf hohem Niveau verbinden. Die Ausgaben im Rahmen der Reihe stellen ambitionierte, innovative Editionsvorhaben dar. Komparatistische Perspektiven auf die deutschsprachige Literatur sind ausdr cklich erw nscht. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von zwei ausgewiesenen Vertreterinnen ihres Faches, die den analytischen Anspruch (...)
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  15. Online Manipulation: Hidden Influences in a Digital World.Daniel Susser, Beate Roessler & Helen Nissenbaum - 2019 - Georgetown Law Technology Review 4:1-45.
    Privacy and surveillance scholars increasingly worry that data collectors can use the information they gather about our behaviors, preferences, interests, incomes, and so on to manipulate us. Yet what it means, exactly, to manipulate someone, and how we might systematically distinguish cases of manipulation from other forms of influence—such as persuasion and coercion—has not been thoroughly enough explored in light of the unprecedented capacities that information technologies and digital media enable. In this paper, we develop a definition of manipulation that (...)
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  16. Technology, autonomy, and manipulation.Daniel Susser, Beate Roessler & Helen Nissenbaum - 2019 - Internet Policy Review 8 (2).
    Since 2016, when the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal began to emerge, public concern has grown around the threat of “online manipulation”. While these worries are familiar to privacy researchers, this paper aims to make them more salient to policymakers — first, by defining “online manipulation”, thus enabling identification of manipulative practices; and second, by drawing attention to the specific harms online manipulation threatens. We argue that online manipulation is the use of information technology to covertly influence another person’s decision-making, by targeting (...)
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  17.  48
    The Sudden Devotion Emotion: Kama Muta and the Cultural Practices Whose Function Is to Evoke It.Alan Page Fiske, Beate Seibt & Thomas Schubert - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (1):74-86.
    When communal sharing relationships suddenly intensify, people experience an emotion that English speakers may label, depending on context, “moved,” “touched,” “heart-warming,” “nostalgia,” “patriotism,” or “rapture”. We call the emotion kama muta. Kama muta evokes adaptive motives to devote and commit to the CSRs that are fundamental to social life. It occurs in diverse contexts and appears to be pervasive across cultures and throughout history, while people experience it with reference to its cultural and contextual meanings. Cultures have evolved diverse practices, (...)
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  18. Taking critique of psychiatry to the streets. Mad Pride parades and the Blue Caravan as work on multiplicity.Ronda Ramm, Beate Binder & Francis Seeck - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (4):387-414.
    This article focuses on performative articulations of critiques of psychiatry, with two forms of demonstration in particular: First, the Mad Pride Parades, which have been held in various German cities since 2013, and second actions by the “Blaue Karawane” in Bremen, a movement that emerged in the 1980s in the wake of the dissolution of a psychiatric clinic. Although they are situated in different temporal and local contexts, both rely on forms of street protest to question the demarcation between ‘normal’ (...)
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  19. The Metaphysics of Constitutive Mechanistic Phenomena.Marie I. Kaiser & Beate Krickel - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (3).
    The central aim of this article is to specify the ontological nature of constitutive mechanistic phenomena. After identifying three criteria of adequacy that any plausible approach to constitutive mechanistic phenomena must satisfy, we present four different suggestions, found in the mechanistic literature, of what mechanistic phenomena might be. We argue that none of these suggestions meets the criteria of adequacy. According to our analysis, constitutive mechanistic phenomena are best understood as what we will call ‘object-involving occurrents’. Furthermore, on the basis (...)
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    Asthma: Strangling the Caged Bird (Something Like a Prayer).Imani Perry - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):213-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Asthma:Strangling the Caged Bird (Something Like a Prayer)Imani Perry (bio)Yet do a marvel at this curious thing; To make a poet black and bid him sing!– Countee CullenI know why the caged bird sings, ah me,When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,—When he beats his bars and he would be free;It is not a carol of joy or glee,But a prayer that he sends from his heart's (...)
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    Freedom of conscience in Europe? An analysis of three cases of midwives with conscientious objection to abortion.Valerie Fleming, Beate Ramsayer & Teja Škodič Zakšek - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):104-108.
    While abortion has been legal in most developed countries for many years, the topic remains controversial. A major area of controversy concerns women’s rights vis-a-vis the rights of health professionals to opt out of providing the service on conscience grounds. Although scholars from various disciplines have addressed this issue in the literature, there is a lack of empirical research on the topic. This paper provides a documentary analysis of three examples of conscientious objection on religious grounds to performing abortion-related care (...)
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  22. Autonomy: an essay on the life well lived.Beate Rössler - 2021 - Medford, MA, USA: Polity. Edited by James C. Wagner.
    A rich philosophical examination of why it matters to live an autonomous life.
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    Differential changes in self-reported aspects of interoceptive awareness through 3 months of contemplative training.Boris Bornemann, Beate M. Herbert, Wolf E. Mehling & Tania Singer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  24.  52
    Differentiating Theories from Evidence: The Development of Argument Evaluation Abilities in Adolescence and Early Adulthood.Petra Barchfeld & Beate Sodian - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (4):396-416.
    An argument evaluation inventory distinguishing between different levels of theory-evidence differentiation was designed corresponding to the levels of argument observed in argument generation tasks. Five scenarios containing everyday theories about a social problem, and arguments to support those theories were presented to 170 participants from two age groups (15 and 22 years) and different educational tracks. Participants had to rate the validity of arguments proposed by a story figure, to support the theory, to choose the best argument, and to justify (...)
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    Damaskus-Aleppo: 5000 Jahre Stadtentwicklung in Syrien.Susan B. Downey, Beate Bollman & Philipp von Zabern - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):169.
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    Converging evidence: Bringing together experimental and corpus data on the association of verbs and constructions.Stefan Th Gries, Beate Hampe & Doris Schönefeld - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (4):635-676.
    Much recent work in Cognitive Linguistics and neighbouring disciplines has adopted a so-called usage-based perspective in which generalizations are based on the analysis of authentic usage data provided by computerized corpora. However, the analysis of such data does not always utilize methodological findings from other disciplines to avoid analytical pitfalls and, at the same time, generate robust results. A case in point is the strategy of using corpus frequencies. In this paper, we take up a recently much debated issue from (...)
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  27.  33
    A longitudinal study of the emerging self from 9 months to the age of 4 years.Susanne Kristen-Antonow, Beate Sodian, Hannah Perst & Maria Licata - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:129900.
    The aim of this study was to investigate if children’s early responsiveness toward social partners is developmentally related to their growing concept of self, as reflected in their mirror self-recognition (MSR) and delayed self-recognition (DSR). Thus, a longitudinal study assessed infants’ responsiveness (e.g., smiling, gaze) toward social partners during the still-face (SF) task and a social imitation game and related it to their emerging MSR and DSR. Thereby, children were tested at regular time points from 9 months to 4 years (...)
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  28. Aktuelle Probleme des Geltenden Deutschen Insolvenzrechts: Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 6./7. Juni 2008.Prof Dr Walter Buchegger - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    Using position rather than color at the traffic light – Covariation learning-based deviation from instructions in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Robert Gaschler, Beate Elisabeth Ditsche-Klein, Michael Kriechbaumer, Christine Blech & Dorit Wenke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on instructions people can form task representations that shield relevant from seemingly irrelevant information. It has been documented that instructions can tie people to a particular way of performing a task despite that in principle a more efficient way could be learned and used. Since task shielding can lead to persistence of inefficient variants of task performance, it is relevant to test whether individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder – characterized by less task shielding – are more likely and quicker (...)
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    Developmental Trajectories in Diagnostic Reasoning: Understanding Data Are Confounded Develops Independently of Choosing Informative Interventions to Resolve Confounded Data.April Moeller, Beate Sodian & David M. Sobel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:800226.
    Two facets of diagnostic reasoning related to scientific thinking are recognizing the difference between confounded and unconfounded evidence and selecting appropriate interventions that could provide learners the evidence necessary to make an appropriate causal conclusion (i.e., the control-of-variables strategy). The present study investigates both these abilities in 3- to 6-year-old children (N= 57). We found both competence and developmental progress in the capacity to recognize that evidence is confounded. Similarly, children performed above chance in some tasks testing for the selection (...)
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    Einleitende Bemerkungen.Prof Dr Stefan Smid - 2009 - In Aktuelle Probleme des Geltenden Deutschen Insolvenzrechts: Insolvenzrechtliches Symposium der Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung in Kiel 6./7. Juni 2008. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1-4.
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    Response to “From Pittsburgh to Cleveland: NHBD Controversies and Bioethics” by George J. Agich.Frank Koughan & Walt Bogdanich - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (4):514-517.
    We were not surprised by the opinion piece written for the CambridgeQuarterly by George J. Agich, Ph.D., who chairs the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's bioethics department. Dr. Agich uses the article to attack those who criticized his institution's proposed non-heart-beating organ donor protocol. Because we reported on this controversy for 60Minutes in April 1997, we wanted to set the record straight.
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    Being moved is a positive emotion, and emotions should not be equated with their vernacular labels.Thomas W. Schubert, Beate Seibt, Janis H. Zickfeld, Johanna K. Blomster & Alan P. Fiske - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Metacognition and mindreading in young children: A cross-cultural study.Sunae Kim, Beate Sodian, Markus Paulus, Atsushi Senju, Akiko Okuno, Mika Ueno, Shoji Itakura & Joélle Proust - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85 (C):103017.
  35.  17
    Stone Sense - Sensibility and Analogy in Diderot's Le Reve de d'Alembert.Anne Beate Maurseth - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 13 (24).
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    12- and 24-Month-Old Infants’ Search Behavior Under Informational Uncertainty.Sunae Kim, Beate Sodian & Joëlle Proust - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Figures of Crime: Victims, Criminals, and Crime-fighters at the Crossroads of Criminalization and Social Justice (Guest Editors' Introduction).Jérémy Geeraert, Beate Binder, Agata Chełstowska & Salla Sariola - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (2):192-204.
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    Preoccupied with the body: mild stress amplifies the relation between rumination and interoception.Caroline Schlinkert, Beate M. Herbert, Nicola Baumann & Sander L. Koole - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1382-1394.
    Classic and modern emotion theories suggest that the perception of bodily sensations, or interoception, is foundational to emotion processing. The present research examined whether interoception is...
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    Some orbits for E.Peter Cholak, Rod Downey & Eberhard Herrmann - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 107 (1-3):193-226.
    In this article we establish the existence of a number of new orbits in the automorphism group of the computably enumerable sets. The degree theoretical aspects of these orbits also are examined.
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  40. Lean transformation for green and financially viable foundries.Nh Rakshit & Dr Lewlyn Lr Rodrigues - 1931 - Philosophy 6:7.
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    Ethics as a minor form of politics and theory in activist research.Anne Beate Reinertsen & Anne Ryen - 2024 - Diametros 21 (80):59-74.
    To do minor activist research is to create and make use of critical neologistic vocabularies hopefully balancing the ascetic impoverishment of direction and syntax in majority vocabularies when conceptualized as universals. To do minor activist research is therefore to unsettle received discourses, narratives, and material social practices of power to develop means of resistance in new and different registers. To do minor activist research is to train the imagination for a collaboratively accomplished re/presentation of data through creating points of encounters, (...)
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  42. Peace in the global Dr Ajg Kodumutti Nadar - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 297.
  43.  13
    Heterogenität als Herausforderung. Zur Katalogisierung der Manuscripta theologica latina in octavo der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz.Beate Braun-Niehr - 2009 - Das Mittelalter 14 (2):99-109.
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    Menschennatur und politische Ordnung.Andreas Höfele, Beate Kellner & Christian Kaiser (eds.) - 2016 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Der Mensch sei von Natur aus politisch, sagt Aristoteles, nur im geordneten Gemeinwesen der Polis finde er seine Bestimmung. Seit der Antike dient die menschliche Natur zur Legitimierung sehr verschiedener, keineswegs 'natürlicher' politischer Ordnungen. In historischen Fallstudien vom Alten Orient bis zur Frühen Neuzeit untersuchen die Beiträge, wie das Verhältnis von Menschennatur und politischer Ordnung gedacht und dargestellt wurde, welche normative Kraft es entfaltete, welche Hierarchien, Machtverhältnisse und Herrschaftsformen es stützte und wo es an seine Grenzen stieß. Denn nicht allein (...)
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    Zahlensymbolik in Kirchenliedern Paul Gerhardts.Esther-Beate Körber - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (4):320-336.
    This essay is the first attempt to demonstrate the numerical symbolism of Paul Gerhardt's hymns. In his hymns for morning and evening, the number of each verse has a symbolic meaning also expressed in the contents of the verse. Gerhardt presumably used numerical symbolism to convey the harmony of God's creation.
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    Science and Technology Ethics.Dr Raymond E. Spier & Raymond E. Spier - 2001 - Routledge.
    Science and Technology Ethics re-examines the ethics by which we live and asks the question: do we have in place the ethical guidelines through which we can incorporate these developments with the minimum of disruption and disaffection? It assesses the ethical systems in place and proposes new approaches to our scientific and engineering processes and products, our social contacts, biology and informatics, the military industry and our environmental responsibilities. The volume is multidisciplinary and reflects the aim of the book to (...)
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    De „Gestalt”-theorie van Köhler.Dr W. M. Kruseman - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):355-360.
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    De Historie van Het Vitalisme.Dr W. M. Kruseman - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):185-188.
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    Introductory Note to.Dr J. Labia - 1981 - Tradition and Discovery 9 (1):17-17.
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    Hermann Cohens Spinoza-Rezeption.Beate Ulrike La Sala - 2012 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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